Bluetooth Security

Launching secure Bluetooth Products

What we do

Bluetooth. Secured.

Developing Bluetooth products is a challenge, but launching a secure Bluetooth product to the market takes this to another level. Thyrasec gives you the expertise to secure Bluetooth devices throughout the full product cycle. From the moment a device is architected, every step until market launch and beyond, security is not an afterthought.

Adding security to a Bluetooth product starts on the ground level, and we're there to help get it secured. How will data be secured in the device, and when transmitted? We put together the pieces that make that happen
Developing a secure system, whether hardware or firmware, adds complexity. We're there to help support development to make sure that securing your product doesn't hinder development or users.
Secure manufacturing and device provisioning are critical to ensure customers receive a product. We provide solutions to address manufacturing at all stages
Product Security
Securing the product when used by the users for data at rest in the device and data transmitted wirelessly. From the protocol to the choices, authentication
Fault Analysis
Devices returned from the field must be securely analyzed and if necessary returned to the field. We help you build mechanisms to get information and keep the device secure.
Firmware Upgrade
Few products launch today without the ability to upgrade the firmware. But doing so securely and reliably in real-world scenarios requires careful design and testing
Broad Vendor Support
Ready to secure your Product?
Get in touch with our experts today