Reverse Engineering

Safeguarding Intellectual Property (IP)

What we do

Investigate and Protect

Launching products to the market involves significant investment in R&D. The Intellectual Property from these efforts are key in remaining competitive. In recent years IP theft and Patent infringement have been on the rise. Reverse engineering enables you to determine whether competitors are taking advantage of your hard work and infringing on your IP. Thyrasec has been at the forefront of helping companies understand competitor products, resulting in several instances of litigation based on the reports and data generated by us.

Hardware Reversing
We take the products and perform a complete teardown to the chips and beyond, adding electrical analysis to extract information about the product behavior.
Wireless Capture
Our custom tools enable us to capture all the information sent by the device to obtain all the data transmitted, analyze it. From Wi-Fi, Bluetooth (Classic and BLE), NFC, LoRA and others
Firmware Reversing
We extract the firmware at the heart of products and analyze them to understand how the product operates, what algorithms it users, and whether there's any evidence of infringement
Mobile Applications
Reversing of iOS and Android mobile applications that control and communicate with products
Ready to protect your IP?
Get in touch with our experts today